Wiveez versions history with changes.
[6.0] - 2025-01-31
- AI Analysis by Alice for the Sprint dashboard.
- "Issue type by Status" chart in the Sprint dashboard: shows the distribution of to-do, in-progress and done issues according to their type.
- "Distribution by" chart in the Sprint dashboard: shows the distibution of issues by feature, version, label, component or priority.
- "Issues Report" in the Sprint dashboard: shows the sum of issues by their status in the sprint. One click on the status shows the issues list.
- "In VS Out Issues" chart in the Sprint dashboard: shows the distribution of in and out issues by their type.
- Issue search in product dashboard and issues list: search using keywords or issue’s key.
- Default values for product’s dashboards and charts: set Scrum metrics (Velocity, Commitment…) value (dashboards), Throughput cycle (dashboards), "Flow Time By" chart agglomerate value (dashboards), analyzed period (charts), cycle (charts), begin and end steps (charts), issue types (charts), features (charts), versions (charts), labels (charts), sprints (charts), components (charts), priorities (charts) and resolutions (charts).
- Priority filter to every charts of the product.
- Resolution filter and column to issues list, information to issue card and filter to every charts of the product.
- The list of chart filters is now scrollable.
- Renamed app from "Wiveez" to "Flow Analytics Pro", hostname changed from "" to "".
- Commitment and Velocity field in Sprint dashboard is now next to the "Total Progress".
- Product deletion: triggers the deletion of linked Program(s) when it’s the last associated product.
- Searching for a product to import failed if it contained special characters.
[5.2] - 2024-11-25
- AI Analysis by Alice for the following charts: Throughput Run, Thoughput Histogram, Flow Time Histogram, Flow Time Scatterplot, Flow Time Evolution, Flow Time Breakdown, Flow Efficiency, Aging, Velocity and Cumulative Flow.
- Statistics (lower quartile, median, upper quartile, 85th percentile, 95th percentile) and predictability (lower/upper control limit, lower/upper natural process limit) informations to charts: Throughput Run, Thoughput Histogram, Flow Time Histogram, Flow Time Scatterplot and Flow Time Evolution.
- Metrics computation period for a board can be selected at import, like projects.
- Updated Node.js to version 20
- Key Performance Objectives trend color: durations did not take into account work hours.
- Searching for a board to import failed if it contained special characters.
- Sprint’s commitment and velocity computation when issues have been removed from sprints.
[5.1.4] - 2024-10-04
- Fixed program Features and Objectives when using products metrics calculation period.
[5.1.3] - 2024-09-30
- Program now use products metrics calculation period.
- Charts filters to Forecast (Monte Carlo simulation).
- Step median value in Flow Time Breakdown chart.
- Improved program Throughput per increment calculation.
- [Marketplace only] Method for controlling rights to portfolio products.
- [Marketplace only] "Access denied" errors occurring sometimes after a long period of inactivity.
[5.1.2] - 2024-09-11
- Program Flow Time histogram chart.
- Loading of boards with issues from projects whose key is homonymous with the operand keywords.
[5.1.1] - 2024-09-05
- Inconsistent Jira history handling for an issue: missing transition to current step (status).
- Product progress (To Do, In Progress and Done issues counters and total progress) values in overview dashboard.
- Components loading with Jira Server.
- Projects searching (Product import assistant) with Jira Server.
- Program field values extraction when containing namesake items.
[5.1] - 2024-08-30
- Issues list and details card in Programs (ART Flow, PI Flow).
- Timezone, workdays, workhours and non-working days settings, used by flow time metrics and charts.
- Component dashboard.
- Shows linked Component in issue’s details card.
- Filters to Products Portfolio: search input for name and type selection (Project or Board).
- Feature and Component filters, existing filters become multiple criteria in charts.
- Cycle setting to Throughput Histogram chart (like Throughput Run chart).
- Table of results for Assessments and Assessments Programs chart view.
- Dashboard’s issue type filter updates To Do, In Progress and Done issues counters.
- "Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons for steps in charts using a multiple selection.
- Item icon in title banner for Programs, Core Competency, Assessments and Assessments Programs.
- Product (project or board) to import now use a search input field for selection.
- Future sprints and its issues are synchronized now. They are not visible to user.
- Sprint’s issues list now shows Story Points value when the sprint has been completed.
- Missing issues in Products based on a board with issues from multiple projects.
- Aging time computation for some issues.
- Missing issues in a sprint after it has been completed.
- [Marketplace only] Some add-on installation using the Atlassian Lifecycle Event "installed" like "enabled".
[5.0.1] - 2024-06-21
- Products Program synchronization when an increment is no longer used (linked to no User Story).
- Products Program synchronization when one or more products have their configuration to review.
[5.0] - 2024-06-06
- Custom charts: create and manage your own charts. Choose the field whose values will be used as the category; possibly the field whose values will be used to group into categories; the value extraction operation: counting the issues, counting the projects, calculating the sum or average of the values of a field; and the type of chart in which you want to visualize the data.
- Assessment program management: create and manage assessment groups that share the same core competency grid. Shows the average of assessments last measure.
- Aging chart: shows Flow Time quartiles and 98th percentile. It’s computed from Cycle Time when only In Progress steps are selected, Lead Time when To Do steps are selected.
- Charts now display tail information (thin or fat).
- Throughput Run chart: choose the cycle (daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks, monthly, yearly).
- Product/Version/Feature/Label dashboard: cycle can be changed for Throughput (daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks, monthly, yearly).
- [Cloud only] Button to go to Jira’s project or board page.
- Button to go to the product or the program used as team from an assessment.
- Metric/KPI analysis now shows a box plot chart with quartiles, min, max and outilers. The chart or the issues list can be filtered using this distribution (quartile or outliers). The Throughput analysis shows the daily rate in, the daily rate out and the WIP evolution (trend).
- Product overview is no longer the first displayed when opening the product.
- The time period filter for charts now matches the metrics calculation period.
- Throughput Histogram chart uses more explicit indications for bars, average, and axes.
- Aging chart: To Do steps are no longer selected by default.
- Sidebar, core competency, assessment icons.
- Board loading when associated filter’s JQL is multiline or sort keyword is stuck to the preceding criteria.
- Throughput analysis: "None" (version, label) was not working.
- Products Program: synchronization could fail when an issue type has been deleted.
- Jira’s Features: could be duplicated for team-managed (next-gen) projects because of a change in Jira’s REST API.
- Flow Time Evolution: click on a box plot sometimes did not correctly display the issues list.
- Aging chart duration calculation: now uses selected steps.
- Dashboard Defect goal bullet was not correctly displaying the correct color.
[4.4] - 2024-03-28
- Assessment management: create and manage core competencies with a practice, a level and a scale. Core competencies contains assertions categorized into domains, which are themselves categorized into competencies. Create and manage assessments based on a core competency and linked to a team (a product, a program or with the name of your choice). Create and manage measures in those assessments and view the progress of competencies.
- Flow Time Evolution chart for products: displays boxplots allowing you to follow the evolution of the flow over the months.
- Program charts: Flow Time Histogram, Flow Efficiency, Flow Load (cumulative), Flow Distribution (team issues throughput over iterations/increments) and Velocity (team issues velocity over iterations).
- Jira board loading method: it no longer relies on the list of linked projects sent by the Jira API (the list is incorrect when the filter’s JQL does not explicitly list projects).
- UI small enhancements.
[4.3.2] - 2024-02-15
- Automatically recreate missing status in realtime database (RethinkDB).
- Automatically reconnect if realtime (RethinkDB) connection is lost.
- Increase program’s increment and iteration limit (increment: 12, iteration: 60).
- Delete database view and its dedicated role, environment variables
are now deprecated.
- [Marketplace only] Method to check portfolio products user access.
- Invited user profile fill up when "Function" field was empty.
[4.3.1] - 2024-01-22
- Metrics computation (bug introduced in 4.3).
[4.3] - 2024-01-19
- Program management (eg. scaled agile framework - SAFe): get metrics and KPI across multiple products, use objectives, increments, iterations and teams.
- Issue’s fix version and label Jira synchronization: last item removed.
[4.2.2] - 2023-10-31
- [Marketplace only] Handle
change for a Jira site. This allows site import.
- [Marketplace only] Modules page URL are now handled by backend to check parameters (JWT).
[4.2.1] - 2023-10-09
- Handle Jira API data format
(a string containing an opening and a closing brackets) for empty values in issue history. Other already supported data formats are: an empty string and null
- Issue’s computed steps (those through the Flow Analytics Pro workflow) re-use existing database content when it has not changed.
- Issue metrics database update.
- Issue’s history synchronization when having multiple changes at the same moment.
[4.2] - 2023-10-04
- List of issues used for charts drawing. Appears when clicking in a chart.
- Compute total blocked (flagged) time of an issue, currently blocked or not. It is indicated on the issue card.
- Product’s type (project or board) icon is shown next to its name.
- Blocked (flagged) time of currently blocked issues is the sum of all the periods it was blocked.
- Charts filters are applied using the "Apply" button.
- Product’s loading period is shown on overview dashboard, next to backlog.
- Reversed X axis on the forecast "When" chart: dates are ordered chronologically from left to right.
- [Server mode only] Don’t give access to all instance’s products to SSO newly created users.
- Improved Jira server error handling.
- Handle issue’s step change at same moment. Jira can generate multiple history entries with the same date.
- [Cloud mode only] Subscription plan checks.
[4.1.5] - 2023-09-26
- Duplicate issue metrics.
- Product’s buttons available on metrics computation (Jira add-on only).
[4.1.4] - 2023-09-14
- Consignment of unknown fields in issue’s changelog history when loading external data (Jira).
- RethinkDB connection check at worker startup.
- Jira REST API connection test scripts.
- Improved metrics computation performance by reducing database calls.
- Improved Jira issue’s changelog history transformation.
- Median value computation (KPI Analysis).
- Duration display.
[4.1.3] - 2023-08-29
- 2 new SAML configuration variables:
- disable request of a specific authentication context ;
- set requested authentication contexts list.
[4.1.2] - 2023-07-13
- SAML configuration check at user login/sign-up.
- Missing issues in "Removed" list of the sprint dashboard.
- Sign-up of SAML users in server mode.
[4.1.1] - 2023-07-13
- Moved chart’s data table to a separate screen. It can be viewed with a switch.
- Changing the field used for Scrum values now updates variability.
- Does not stop anymore when fetching external epics fail (e.g. deleted, permissions changed).
- Cumulative Flow chart now offsets its Y axis (issues done) to the issues count of the last step at period start, enhancing readability.
- Computation of some durations, was not using UTC dates.
- Computation of aging for issues having a transition to the same step.
- Computation of sprint Scrum values (commitment, velocity, variability) when choosing a field other than the default one (automatically detected Story Points).
- Aging analysis dashboard inconsistent value.
- Missing version/epic/label select input in KPI analysis dashboard.
- Import assistant close button appearance.
- Layout and display improvements.
[4.1] - 2023-07-07
- Forecast with a complex algorithm based on the Monte Carlo simulation. It can simulate "How Many" issues can be done during a defined period. It can simulate "When" the defined number of issues can be done.
- A button to quickly access help/documentation in the left-hand sidebar.
- User with USER role (lowest permissions role), can now change some of the project’s settings: issues types, workflow and efficiency.
- Improved product’s button label when product has never been or has already been configured.
- Sprint’s removed issues tab translated name on sprint dashboard.
- Layout and display improvements.
- Throughput analysis dashboard inconsistent value.
- Epic/Feature that became internal to the project (was external, e.g. a board that is now linked to epics and have none before) are no longer duplicated.
- External data’s loading user: API credentials could sometimes change.
- Hide KPIs issue type select input on dashboard’s issues list and sprint dashboard.
- Some missing translations on dashboards.
- Missing button to KPI analysis on dashboard’s aging card.
- Forecast with a basic algorithm.
[4.0.2] - 2023-05-22
- This changelog. An HTML version of the Markdown file (
) is generated at Docker image build. If Flow Analytics Pro is behind a reverse proxy with path /api
for backend, changelog is available at: https://[Flow Analytics Pro hostname]/api/static/changelog.html
(e.g. Flow Analytics Pro Cloud changelog).
- User deletion behavior: keep remote data login credentials (Jira’s API token) and reallocate it to instance’s super admin.
- Password length (increased) when updating remote data login credentials (Jira’s API token).
- Flow Time Breakdown chart was not correctly handled in the user’s customized charts menu.
[4.0.1] - 2023-05-20
- Epics loading when it’s not linked to boards (external epics, based on issue’s link).
[4.0.0] - 2023-05-11
- New dashboard metrics and charts.
- Dashboard issue type filter.
- Aging chart.
- Flow Time Breakdown chart.
- Support for epic links (at issue level, not at board level) in Jira’s team-managed (next-gen) projects.
- Default logging level configuration using
- Metrics computation method: was based on the database, it’s now code based.
- Flow Time Histogram and Flow Time Scatter Plot are now based on the computed traversal of the workflow’s steps.
- Behavior of the "Completed Outside of the Sprint" issues list on the sprint’s dashboard.
- Burnup and Burndown property name in user’s settings (menu’s charts list).
- Main top bar buttons order (swiped "KPI analysis" and "Charts" buttons).
- Standardize words for Cycle Time (charts).
- Sprints order in Velocity chart.
- Chart tooltip translation.
- Issue types configuration warning message.
- Hide access to project initial settings when user role is not admin or super admin.
- Metrics calculation is improved, it is faster.
[3.5.4] - 2023-03-30
- Add logging if the issue’s history contains reference to sprints not found in the database.
[3.5.3] - 2022-03-30
- Atlassian Connect (Jira add-on) mode, allowing add-on installation and use directly in Jira (Atlassian Marketplace).
- Support of some custom fields with translated name (flagged and Story Points in French).
- Issues loading (external data) page size configuration using variables (
- Update of the product name when external data are refreshing.
- Password length (increased) of remote data login credentials (Jira API token are longer since January 2023).
- User projects associations when updating the list to a user linked to multiple instances.
- Loading of external epics (not linked to boards).